Sunday, December 14, 2014

Day 42: Low-Tech Tank

Green spot algae is now under control. There's still a lot at the floor but they did not return back in the glass walls after I scrubbed them last week. a 40% water change has been done earlier today as well.

Other than that, not much has happened, except for the addition of a new plant.

Blyxa Japonica

Another hobbyist is rescaping his tank and decided to not use his existing blyxa plant so he offered to sell it. I got a ton for two dollars so it was a very good deal. However, it was filled with BBA's and possibly snail eggs so I had it dipped in Flourish Excel for several hours before planting it in both low and high-tech tank.
I doesn't look very healthy though but not sure if It's because I stressed it out from dipping in Excel. If it thrives in the high-tech tank then it is not due to Excel.
Anyways, after a day in the low-tech tank, it looks like it's starting to melt. I hope it's just try to adjust to the water parameters.

Staurogyne Repens and Alternanthera Reineckii Roseafolia
They are finally out of the tank. The large soil pot it was previously planted is removed. The soil is now used on the hanging pot holding blyxa japonica.

Ammannia praetermissa and Ludwigia Glandulosa
These plants are not growing in this tank but they are not suffering at all. They are very demanding plants and is generally challenging to maintain their red coloration but I'm happy enough that they are not melting in this tank.

Bacopa Caroliniana, Hygrophila Polysperma, Hygrophila Difformis, and Rotala Indica
These easy growing stem plants are thriving well and may need trimming this week. Bacopa is about to hit the surface and its stem shoots have grown out of the pot. Water wisteria keep

Hydrocotyle Leucocephala
This plant is struggling in this tank. It's growing very slow and the new leaves are small. The older leaves are covered by green spot algae. It does thrive very well in a high-tech tank and is probably the healthiest plant in my high-tech tank right now.

Christmas Moss and Java Moss
As usual, doing their own thing and growing very slow.

Hydrocotyle Tripartita
It's growing slowly but steady. A few leaves were covered by green spot algae but nothing serious. This plant finally took off in the high-tech tank and is very lush and thick already.

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