The bedroom tank is now operational!
Here's the list of plants
Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo'Hygrophila 'Araguaia'
Pogostemon Helferi 'Downoi'
Proserpinaca Palustris
Alternanthera Reinickii 'Mini'
Ludwigia Inclinata 'Curly'
Ammannia Sp. Bonsai
Limnophila Hippuroides
Rotala Macrandra
Hydrocotyle Tripartita 'Japan'
Eleocharis Sp. 'Mini'
Ludwigia Sp. Guinea
CO2 injection is via in-line reactor connected to EHEIM 2215 outlet pipe. It is upgraded to an EHEIM 2217 impeller so it's a little stronger than typical 2215.
Light Source To Be Replaced
Light is a combination of Green Element EVO LED 3Wx16 7500K-10000K and Odyssea 4x24W T5HO with 6500K and 7500K bulbs. These light sources are temporary only.
I will change it later to a 6 bulb T5HO that is combination of 15000K, 10000K, and 6500K bulbs. I'm looking into Geisemann T5HO's. They have great bulbs for planted tanks with awesome spectrum. I might also use ATI for the purple (15000K) one. Geisemann though has something similar as well and their spectrum look the same. Of course I will lift it up higher than usual as 6 bulbs is obviously too powerful. I just want the spread so 6 bulbs is a good thing.
Adding a second filter and address the issue on gas exchange
I also plan to install another canister filter. I have an EHEIM 2213 which should be fine but it's used in the discus tank right now. I'm thinking of installing an in-line diffuser and inject O2 via aerator which will run during the night. Then my spare lily pipe will be used to add surface agitation. As of the moment, gas exchange is bad. There's literally no surface agitation and this must be addressed soon.
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